Almonds with white tea
199 KčFine almond covered in white chocolate, Chinese Pai Mu Tan tea, coconut and ginger. 60gr
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Fine almond covered in white chocolate, Chinese Pai Mu Tan tea, coconut and ginger. 60gr
Small rice crispies coated with white chocolate, roasted hazelnuts, Matcha and Sencha tea and a little bergamot aroma… the perfect tea praline! 60gr
Šťavnaté datle s příchutí karamelu a medu, sušené na slunci. Medjool jsou datle nejvyšší kvality dodávané v Evropě.
If you like sweets and at the same time you want to be fit and healthy, you should buy a dried hibiscus. They contain up to 10% protein, which contains 13 proteins, including 6 indispensable for the human body. The polysaccharides and pectin contained in them contribute to the release of metals and toxins from…
If you like sweets and at the same time you want to be fit and healthy, you should buy a dried mango. Ingredients: Dried mango contains vitamins A, B1, B2, B5, B6, B9, B12, C, D, has a high carotene content and 12 types of amino acids, as well as calcium, fructose, iron, phosphorus.
Pokud máte rádi sladké a zároveň chcete být fit a zdraví, měli byste si koupit sušený ananas. Sušený ananas kombinuje úžasnou chuť a obrovské zdravotní přínosy.
A Café Tasse collection which comes true to its name: Premium. A selection of exceptional varieties such as Matcha, Earl Grey or select Rooibos with incomparable taste. Each variety is a work of art. An innovative “Earl Grey” variety made from dark Belgian chocolate and exclusive, finely ground black tea.
Ušlechtilé mandle v bílé čokoládě s čajem Matcha. Tato velmi dobře vymyšlená kombinace je ideální pro váš každodenní čaj.
A Café Tasse collection which comes true to its name: Premium. A selection of exceptional varieties such as Matcha, Rooibos or select Jamaica Blue Mountain coffee with incomparable taste. Each variety is a work of art. An innovative “green” variety made from white Belgian chocolate and exclusive Asian Matcha, finely ground green tea.
Myslíme si, že tento čokoládový nugát z Montelimaru s mořskou solí si zaslouží potlesk. Jde o sladkou pochoutku doprovázenou lehce slanou nuancí. Jednotlivě balené křupavé nugátové kousky jsou plné oříšků a pistácií a mohou se pochlubit 28% medem.
Montelimar nugát je mezi gurmány známým jménem. Náš nugát z Belgie se však nemá za co stydět a může se pochlubit 28% medem
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